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To young men contemplating a voyage I'd say go.
-Joshua Slocum

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Day of Clam Pass Kids Kayak Camp

Today was my first day back at the kayak camp we run with the Collier County Parks and Rec department. This is done at Clam Pass in Naples, FL and is a nice place to kayak. This is my third year doing the camp and is a lot of fun teaching the kids (ages 10-15) how to kayak and playing around in the water. I've gotten 4 or 5 kids rolling and most of these kids are here just as something to do in the summer. Below is a video of where we launch from.

The water outside the pass was beautiful today. This looked like The Keys type of clarity. Once the tide changed the water inside the pass looked that way as well.

One of the cool things about the Clam Pass area is the mangrove maze around it. You could certainly get lost in these. The trails are high tide creeks and at the center of them all is a large mud flat that, at times, is filled with Fiddler and Hermit Crabs. We took a walk here today then back to the pass to jump in. Thank god for a waterproof camera.

After having lunch we moved on to some balance drills with kids doing their best to stand up and paddle their boats from the cockpit. Some actually got it right away while others are still working. After they got tired of waiting for me to get them back in their boats I taught them how to get back in there on their own. First we talked about getting the water out of their boats by lifting the bow while using the paddle on the opposite shoulder to keep them up in the water. By the end of that the rest of the group was heading back so we chased them down and landed safely back at the launch.

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